Community Events

If you get Community you get Church and if you get the Church you get Community.

Check out our community events below. If you’d like to get in touch or have a great idea of your own that you’d like to discuss, please contact us!

If you get Community you get Church and if you get the Church you get Community.

Community Events

Latest Past Events

Kids Sewing frog workshop

Community@17 Community@17, Niagara Park Shopping Centre, Niagara Park

Children’s Learn to Sew workshop.  Ages 8 and upwards – come an enjoy a fun-filled morning learning how to hand sew your very own frog. Selection of fabrics to choose […]


Botanical Craft Workshop

Community@17 Community@17, Niagara Park Shopping Centre, Niagara Park

Want to get an unforgettable experience in creating art with plants and watercolours? Join us on our Botanical Craft Workshop where you can create a watercolour art using plants. For […]

Interactive Experience making a gift for Father’s Day

Community@17 Community@17, Niagara Park Shopping Centre, Niagara Park

  Create lasting memories by making a wooden toolbox with your son or daughter. Enjoy a Father’s Day experience rather than a Father’s Day moment. Take home a gift you’ll […]